Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We have made a tradition of making traps every St. Patricks Day to catch a Leprechaun - This year we found this cute design in a magazine - I can't remember which one. We also made one with a rock wall on the side, but it's been destroyed. When we woke up on St. Patricks day, the traps had been tipped over and the Leprechauns had escaped, but they had turned our milk and toilet water green on their way out. It was a fun day! I love St. Patricks day. We always watch "The Gnome Mobile" and listen to the soundtrack from "Waking Ned Devine" - also one of my favorite movies.

1 comment:

megan said...

You always have such fun holiday decorating activities! I like this tradition! All we did was corned beef and cabbage...not so fun as catching leprechauns.

P.S. I love Waking Ned Devine! I haven't seen it for so long. I will rent that this weekend for sure.