Yes we are trying again! Meet Jasper! He is about 12 weeks old and we love him! Jeremy found a litter of puppies at the Lab Rescue Shelter, and he had to have him. When I went to pick him up, I found out that he was born in Blanding, Utah - which is where Jeremy's dad grew up, and Grandma Blick still lives there. We took it as a sign that it was meant to be. Having a puppy in the house makes me really miss Kish, our first dog. She was a Brittany Spaniel - and a really smart dog. We had to give her away when Jer and I moved to Houston. I wish we had kept her. But now I look foreward to a new relationship with Jasper.
Super cute puppy (and great photo skills too). Can't wait to meet him.
Blanding, huh? My grandma grew up there part time (mostly Monticello which she HATED, but loved when she got to stay in Blanding or Bluff instead).
Thanks again for watching T. Hope he wasn't too afraid of Jasper.
Best of luck - you are braver then we are!
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