Sunday, September 6, 2009

This year we spent the Fourth of July in Blanding, Utah, whereJeremy's grandmother has lived her whole life. It was a really fun, small town, very american weekend. We went to the ruins, the parade, a boxing match, and watched the fireworks. Avery didn't like the fireworks much - she hid under a seat in the car. My favorite part was playing tag with my kids in grandma's yard during a heavy rainstorm. It was a perfect weekend!


Mary said...

We have friends who live in Blanding and we spent some time with them last summer. We LOVED it and my girls were fascinated by the ruins. Looks like you guys had a blast!

Stephani said...

Your oldest is getting soooooo old...oh wait, that's Jason. I hope y'all at least get to claim him on your income tax filings as a fourth dependent, that's the only way to make those late night communal tooth brushing experiences worth it!
